
Daily Miracles

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The inspiration for this page comes from a sermon I heard at my Church. I go to a fantastic Church full of energy and life. No other church I’ve been to have vibrated with such energy as my Church. Last Sunday I was in Church with my daughter listening to the children’s sermon, which occurs just before the adult sermon. The children are all invited to go to the front of the church to sit and listen. It is very cute and my daughter loves it. The theme of the children’s sermon that morning was miracles and I was saddened to hear the presenter say he hasn’t witnessed a daily miracle or very many miracles in his life.

Thinking back on my life I began to inventory my daily experiences and I came to the conclusion that I witness miracles daily so I decided to write about them. It wasn’t much of a decision, but a burning desire that hasn’t gone away. They type you have to answer or they keep reminding you until you take action. Like an itch that needs scratching.

This won’t be a daily blog, but I will share as many miracles I witness as time allows. Let’s first define a miracle. A miracle for me is something that manifests in my life, which pleasantly surprises and is not easily explained. There is nothing scientific or dictionary definitions here. It’s more of a feeling you get inside when you examine what just happened and ask yourself, “Wow, that was amazing,” and you think, “Where did that come from.”

I encourage you to step back from the situation and suspend your beliefs. Just be in the moment, experience the moment, feel life itself, take action and you will see miracles happen in your life daily.

The Voice Of An Angel

That same Sunday, after Church, I met two people while I was sharing fellowship and coffee.  The first was Becky Middleton.  She is the lead singer for the service I go to.  When she sings the passion and energy radiating from her fills the entire room.  I knew nothing about her other than seeing her sing at Church.  I happen to see her after Church and I introduced myself.  I found out she is a professional singer.  The conversation could have ended there, but I had the uncanny urge to ask her if she had a YouTube channel.  I am not sure where that question came from, because I don’t subscribe to any YouTube channels.   She does have a YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8zhB-UOtZ8On the way home my daughter and I watched her video and we really love this song.  How did that all just happen? 


Brothers In Arms

After meeting Becky I was waiting for the hail and farewell, for one of the priests leaving my Church and moving up North closer to family, to begin.   I received this urge to introduce myself to the gentleman standing next to me.  This happens sometimes, so when it does, I take action even though it is slightly uncomfortable for me, being a bit introverted (not a bad thing).  His name is Charles and he works for Hunt Petroleum as an engineer.   He has a family with three beautiful children.  As we continued making small talk I happen to learn he was in the Navy and was deployed to Iraq during the war.  I shared with him my experience in Iraq during the war.  This may not seem like much of a miracle to most people, but when you look at how I met this person out of all of the people in that room, roughly 500, it’s strange that I was prompted to introduce myself to him and he just happened to be a veteran like me.