What We Do
Support Home Ownership
Home owners contribute more to our economy, provide stability to our neighborhoods, have income tax advantages that renters don’t have and build equity in an asset for a future benefit. The mission to support home ownership is done by helping home owners protest high property taxes, providing resources for home owners, and when it’s time to move, helping home owners successfully sell their home.
Help Renters Become Home Owners
Many renters desire to be future home owners. Sure not everyone desires to own a home, but those who do, know about all the benefits home ownership brings. The mission to support renters who desire to become home owners is done through providing down payment resources, credit repair assistance and comprehensive guidance while navigating through the home buying process. Our goal is to make you a home owner.
Who We Are
I am a veteran proudly wearing the uniform of the US Army for 31 years of service. Today I put on a new uniform to go to battle with laser focus to promote home ownership. My new mission is to use my experience, knowledge and skills to reduce the rising epidemic of renters and support home owners.
To Serve Others
I've started Dittmar Real Estate Solutions because I wanted to serve my neighbors. I believe in home ownership and my passion is helping people with all of their real estate needs. Are you ready to stop renting? Are you ready to go for the American Dream? Are you a home owner ready to sell? Are you tired of paying high property taxes? Are you ready to invest in real estate? I am ready for you!